We are honored to have outreached to Perry and the surrounding towns for 65 years. In 1958, under the leadership of Mrs. Joan Moore, Wee Wisdom Kindergarten was founded as a five day-a-week school in the downtown Perry area. In later years, the kindergarten became Perry Presbyterian Playschool and moved to our current church property on Second Street.

Through the years, we have been blessed with approximately thirty teachers who have lovingly and faithfully shared God's love with countless children. Two long time teachers, Mrs. Anne Smith and Mrs. Jane Shepley, each gave over 40 years pointing children to Christ and helping children grow physically, emotionally, academically, and spiritually.

We give thanks to the Lord for His faithfulness, protection, and provisions that have allowed us the honor of serving the children and families of Perry for so many years.

"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for such belongs the kingdom of heaven"

Matthew 19:14

PPC Historical


Playschool is an outreach ministry of Perry Presbyterian Church. We consider Playschool families to be a part of the Perry Presbyterian Church family.

We welcome you to join us on Sunday mornings for our worship service at 9:30am, followed by Sunday School for all ages at 10:45am.

On Sunday evenings from 6:00pm - 7:30pm, we have opportunities for all ages - adult Bible study, youth group, and Creekside Kids (ages K3 - 5th grade).

To learn more about our church, please visit www.perrypres.com or call our church office at 478-987-1403.

Perry Presbyterian Church Modern